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新不伦瑞克省 旅馆/宾馆真实住客点评


  • 山顶餐厅汽车旅馆 住客评分:10


  • “别墅是一栋两层楼的新房子,装饰充满浓郁的艺术气息,富有设计感的,是我们喜欢的风格,主人是一位在中国上海工作居住了十多年的加拿大中年人,热情开朗。他的接待让我们感到很轻松,很温馨。房子就在海边,是最佳的位置,度假,隐居,休闲都是一个神奇的好地方。我们到达的当天下午徒步几百米就到了港口看日落的地方,海水中野鸭悠闲地游水,白色的海鸥在天空中翱翔,大海浩瀚,天空辽阔,晚霞满天,是看日落的绝佳观景点。第二天早上起来我们又到海边往另一个方向走到沙滩上,晴空万里,风景如画,沙白风轻,水天一色,海浪一层层卷起白色浪花,这里真是美如仙境,谢谢房主给了我们一个梦幻般的美妙体验,这是一个还想来住的地方。 The villa is a two-story new house. The decoration is full of rich artistic atmosphere and rich in design, which is our favorite style. The owner is a middle-aged Canadian who has worked and lived in Shanghai, China for more than ten years. He is enthusiastic and cheerful. . His reception made us feel relaxed and warm. The house is right on the seaside, which is the best location. It is a magical place for vacation, seclusion and leisure. On the afternoon of our arrival, we walked a few hundred meters to the port to watch the sunset. Wild ducks swam leisurely in the sea, and white seagulls soared in the sky. The sea is vast, the sky is vast, and the sky is full of sunset. It is an excellent viewing spot to watch the sunset. . When we got up the next morning, we went to the beach again and walked in the other direction to the beach. The sky was clear and the scenery was picturesque. The sand was white and the wind was gentle. The water and sky were the same color. The waves rolled up white waves layer by layer. This place is really as beautiful as a fairyland. Thank you. The owners gave us a fantastic experience and it's a place we want to stay in again.”

  • 加布里埃莱宾馆 住客评分:9


  • Le Griffon 住客评分:10

    “        ”

  • 卡瑞奇豪斯旅馆 住客评分:8



