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  4. Northeast Harbor酒店点评
美国 Northeast Harbor 酒店真实住客点评


  • 金博尔露台汽车旅馆 住客评分:8.2

    “酒店面积很大,交通方便,价格便宜,房间很大,设施齐全。有一个露天游泳池很棒,酒店早餐也不错。停车位很多,但因为旁边有一家餐厅的缘故,有时候车位不够,跟前台店员联系,他们会帮你很好地解决。酒店的礼品店商品丰富。 The hotel has a large area, convenient transportation, cheap prices, large rooms and complete facilities. It's great to have an open-air pool and the hotel breakfast is good. There are a lot of parking Spaces, but because there is a restaurant next to it, sometimes there are not enough parking Spaces, contact the front desk clerk, they are very nice and will help you solve the problem. The hotel's gift shop is full of goods.”

Northeast Harbor超赞的3家酒店


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