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  2. 澳大利亚酒店点评
  3. 塔斯马尼亚酒店点评
  4. 里士满酒店点评
澳大利亚 里士满 酒店真实住客点评


  • “早餐量足,距离稍偏”

  • 里士满车夫休憩公寓 住客评分:8.7


  • “非常舒适的住宿条件,处处体现了方便和实用,干净整洁,屋外环境优美,空气清新,各种果实累累,位置很好,距里士满大桥几步之遥,会推荐给朋友们都来此休闲。 Very comfortable accommodation, convenient and practical everywhere, clean and tidy, beautiful outside environment, fresh air, a variety of fruits, a good location, a few steps from Richmond Bridge, would recommend friends to come here for leisure.”

  • 里士满哈克斯庄园酒店 住客评分:7.2

    “Good service”

  • 亚历山大里士满度假屋 住客评分:8.8
