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North Wollo 酒店真实住客点评


  • Zan-Seyoum Hotel - Lalibela 住客评分:10

    “酒店房间非常大,床铺舒服,相当于当地居民的住所可以说是非常豪华了,早餐也非常好。重点是老板给予了很多额外的帮助,例如换钱,也帮我们找了非常负责任和诚恳的导游,详细讲解了每座教堂的故事和历史,还带我们去了当地市集。对于亚洲旅客到遥远的非洲旅行,因为不了解始终有些害怕,但他们的诚恳认真让我们的行程非常开心和难忘,很完整地体验了当地额饮食风俗人情。 The hotel owner is excellent in English speaking and extremely friendly and helpful. He made the full plan for our 2-day stay in Lalibela, including visiting churches (and Sunday ceremony), monastery, Saturday market, injera making and coffee roasting experiences, and etc. We had a fantastic experience of knowing the Ethiopian people and their lives and beliefs. The room is large and clean, and both the breakfast and the dinner we had at the hotel are super. I highly recommended it to anyone coming to Lalibela. Great journey without any worries.”

  • Top Twelve Hotel - Lalibela 住客评分:9

    “景观,无敌山景, 大厅,院子, 大厅,走廊,卧室卫生 性价比高, 员工服务,DAWIT很热情,”

North Wollo最赞的5家酒店

