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Poley Mountain 酒店真实住客点评


  • 松塔汽车旅馆 住客评分:10

    “在北美出差遇到的服务最好的接待,第一次点评,强烈推荐。 定制早餐,按时配送。前台贴心周到无微不至的服务让我在异国他乡有家的感觉。 下次来还选择他。 The best service I have got during my trip in US and Canada. This is my first time to give comments. best breakfast and receiption makes me feel like family and safe. Strongly recommend to book this motel. I will be back next time.”

  • Brooksbnb 住客评分:7


Poley Mountain最赞的4家酒店


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