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美国 沃本 酒店真实住客点评


  • Hampton Inn Boston Woburn 住客评分:8.8


  • “靠近高速,但是很安静,床很舒服,是个休息的好地方。前台工作人员很热情友善,免费早餐也不错,一次满意的住宿体验。”

  • Hampton Inn Boston Woburn 住客评分:8.8


  • “很干净,整体感觉不错👍”

  • “这个旅店的住宿环境非常的差,楼道很脏房间也很狭小。走道里都是一股大麻的味道住的人也是杂七杂八的给前台反映了,半夜非常的吵闹,但是根本没有人来管。 The accommodation environment of this hotel is very poor, the corridor is dirty and the rooms are also very small. The people living in the aisle smell of marijuana also reflected it to the front desk. It was very noisy in the middle of the night, but no one took care of it at all.”