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  2. 西班牙酒店点评
  3. 瓦伦西亚自治区酒店点评
  4. 马尼塞斯酒店点评
西班牙 马尼塞斯 酒店真实住客点评


  • 瓦伦西亚机场旅程住宿 住客评分:7.8

    “考虑到价格,我想给这家旅店打10分。离机场很近,地铁站出来步行1分钟。周围有好几家大超市,比如Mercadona。我甚至在附近居民区找到一家特别棒的,很多当地人光顾的咖啡店吃早餐。我事实上住了快一周,房间是靠近走道里面的,非常安静。我每晚都睡得很好。房间内有足够空间摊开我的28寸行李箱。有个小书桌可以供使用iPad或者笔记本电脑。清洁人员每天打扫,非常干净。 Considering the price, I would give this hotel 10 stars. Very close to the airport, 1 minute walk from the Metro. There are several large supermarkets nearby, including Mercadona. I even found a great coffee shop in a nearby residential area where many locals have breakfast. I actually stayed there for almost a week. The room was located at the end of the corridor and was very quiet. I sleep well every night. There is enough space in the room to open my 28-inch suitcase, a desk for using an iPad or laptop. The room is very clean.”

  • Pensión A&E 住客评分:8.1


  • “步行到机场很近,装修风格简约大方,入住和退房速度快。”

  • 瓦伦西亚机场旅程住宿 住客评分:7.8


  • 瓦伦西亚机场旅程住宿 住客评分:7.8



