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  3. 西班牙酒店点评
Baixa Cerdanya 旅馆/宾馆真实住客点评


  • Mas Farner - Adults Only 住客评分:10

    “Oriol的加泰隆尼亞家提供寬敞高品味的空間,睡房、院子、陽台、客廳、餐廳……庇里牛斯山色、滑翔飛行、熱氣球飄浮、農田莊稼、白馬黑馬、牛群搖鈴、燕子歡唱…… 還有主人的熱情招呼、慷慨互動….. 這是旅途中的一大亮點! Oriol designs and maintains his Catalonia house with style and quality. It keeps us surprised to explore between spacious bedroom, front yard, balcony, living room and dinning room. In the morning, the sound of cow bells and singing swallows wake us up. The colour of Pyrenees, paragliding, floating balloon, fields and horses extend our horizons. Furthermore, the warm hospitality and responsive interactions bring the most joyful experience. Thank you!”

Baixa Cerdanya最赞的5家旅馆/宾馆

